Nudist beach De Strook
Last visited 13-06-2024
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suitable for the disabled | water quality measuring point on the beach | bathing water delimited with a floating line at 1 meter depth |
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Strook is a recreational area on the Vijfde Plas of theLoosdrechtse Plassen. The lake area with a total area of approximately 1,200 hectares was created bypeat excavation. The lakes have an average depth of approximately 2 meters.
The narrow recreational area with a width of 60 meters and alength of approximately 1 km and located on a kind of island. To theOn the road side, access is via three bridges over theshielding ditch. The west side is the busy part with asandy beach and space for parking. It is centrally located
pavilion DeStrook with a small port.
In August 2023,
HollandMen Camp (supported by the NFN)
asked to be on the far eastern onepoint to allow nude recreation (see also the map accompanying theroute). Unfortunately, Het Plassenschap Loosdrecht e.o. (owner)and also the mayor and aldermen of themunicipality of Wijdemeren
responded negatively to this request, mainly because people were afraid is for sexual nuisance.
In the
Spatial Planning and Economy committee meeting of February 6, 2024 the municipal council made mincemeat of the objections of B&W and there appeared to be a very large majority in favor of it nudist beach. At the council meeting of
15 February 2024 the municipal council therefore agreed to designate thenudist beach for a 2-year trial period. The Loosdrecht Plassenschap (owner) will also have to agree to this designation.
There was a lot during the spring pruning a few weeks agogreenery removed, so there is a bit more visibility of it at the momentoff the road is at the intended nudist beach. The NFN will be involved in the further design and "decoration" from thenudist beach. The intention is to have the nudist beach ready before the summeropens.
Naturally, as the Board states, one of the rejection arguments applies:
Nude recreation on De Strook is not prohibited However, it does not happen often because De Strook uses it intensively is used by different types of recreationalists.
The nudist beach consists of a sunbathing lawn on the water and is shielded from the rest of the beach by bushes. Er is not a sandy beach. Free-standing trees provide plenty of shade on hot summer days. There are none on the nudist beach facilities available. A toilet building is located approx 90 meters away on the west side. It is located approximately 300 meters away
pavilion De Strook. On nice warm days there is a snack cart at the hotel swimming beach.
The bathing water with a depth of approximately 1.80 meters is accessible via a staircase. The swimming area is protected with a floating line the waterway.
Het naaktstrandje heeft een eigen officiële zwemwaterlocatie: Strand De Strook, Loosdrechtse plassen. Voor uitgebreide informatie over deze zwemwaterlocatie, kijk op de site van
Het zwemseizoen is momenteel gesloten, vanaf 1 mei wordt de zwemwaterkwaliteit weer gecontroleerd.
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