Nudist beach Spaarnwoude
Last visited 20-07-2020
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| | bicycle storage on the beach |
not suitable for the disabled | | water quality measuring point on the beach |
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The Spaarnwoude recreational area, an area of approximately 3000 hectares, is located between Amsterdam, Haarlem and Velsen. In the area there are many recreational facilities such as,
parks, playgrounds, swimming ponds, canoes, an information farm, a climbing wall, a ski slope and an adventure land.
Nudist recreation is permitted on a small section on the south side, in the Buitenhuizen sub-area. According to recreation, nude recreation is permitted here from 1 May to 1 October. The site is near the parking lot of the Zorgvrij information farm.
The nudist beach is separated from the other recreational beaches and consists mainly of lawns. There is a small sandy beach on the waterfront.
In the bushes it is forbidden to recreate. There is a small toilet block on the site (toilet and shower). In 2012, the recreation board closed the toilet block for cost reasons, but it has been open again since 2016.
The swimming water consists of a pond with a depth of approximately 1.40 meters and has no defined swimming area
Het naaktstrandje heeft een eigen officiële zwemwaterlocatie: Spaarnwoude naaktrecreatie. Voor uitgebreide informatie over deze zwemwaterlocatie, kijk op de site van
Het zwemseizoen is momenteel gesloten, vanaf 1 mei wordt de zwemwaterkwaliteit weer gecontroleerd.
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